Q in Check
By Thorin N. Tatge
There is no “Q” in “check.” Oh, there is no “Q” in “check.”
Your Canadian “Q”s can go to heck, for there is no “Q” in “check!”
There's a “Q” in “quest” and a “Q” in “squeeze,” a “Q” in “quilt,” and in “qualities.”
There’s a “Q” in “quadruplets,” a “Q” in “quit,” a “Q” in “equal” and “etiquette.”
There’s a “Q” in “sasquatch,” a “Q” in “queasy,” a “Q” in “squirm” and a “Q” in “squeegee,”
A “Q” in “squint” and a “Q” in “square,” a “Q” in “quiz” and in “questionnaire”!
But there is no “Q” in “check.” No, there is no “Q” in “check.”
If you use a “Q”, I’ll beqome a wreque, for there is no “Q” in “check.”
There’s a “Q” in “queer” and a “Q” in “queen,” a “Q” in “quoit” and in “quarantine.”
A “Q” in “kumquat”; “mosquito” too. It’s true; there’s even a “Q” in “queue.”
There's a “Q” in “quiver” and a “Q” in “quack,” a “Q” in “quetzalcoatl,” and even in “Iraq.”
There’s a “Q” in “quiche” and a “Q” in “query,” a “Q” in “quark” and in “quantum theory”!
But there is no “Q” in check. No, there is no “Q” in check.
Don’t make me wring your British neck: There is no “Q” in check.
There's a “Q” in “quail” and a “Q” in “quoll,” a “Q” in “squirrel” and a “Q” in “squall!”
There’s a “Q” in “quiet,” a “Q” in “quirky”; there’s even two in “Albuquerque”!
There's a “Q” in “squire” and a “Q” in “squeak,” a “Q” in “quick” and a “Q” in “clique!”
A “Q” in “QWERTY,” a “Q” in “faqir,” a “Q” in “sheqel” and a “Q” in “Quaker.”
But there is no “Q” in “check”! No, there is no “Q” in “check”!
There may be a “Q” in “French Québec”—but there is no “Q” in “check!”
your “Q”s in “check”!