The Fox (in Socks)
The fox went out on a silly night
Four fine socks bound his feet up tight
For he'd many a box to fill, that's right--
The fox was quick of tongue, sir.
Hung, sir; slung, sir!
His good friend Knox stayed home from spite,
But the fox was quick of tongue, sir.
He filled his sack up with blocks and bricks
And came to a box stacked thick with chicks
But the fox was wise to their wily tricks
And made a quick trick clock stack
Chick stack, block stack
Six sick chicks for his six quick kits
And he stuck them in his clock stack
Up with a hose Slow Joe Crow rose
Saying "Quick fox reaps what a quick fox sows."
Sue sews rose on Slow Joe Crow's clothes
And slow Joe Crow sews Sue's clothes.
Whose clothes? Sue's clothes!
Sue sews rose on Slow Joe Crow's clothes
And Slow Joe Crow sews Sue's clothes.
He came to a slew of new blue goo
That a Goo-Goose chewed like a gluey stew
And the Goo-Goose asked, "How do you do?"
but the fox just kept on running
Gumming, chumming,
Though the Goo-Goose asked, "How do you do?"
The fox just kept on running.
Up came Bim with his big bent broom;
Said he to Ben, "Look at that fox zoom,"
Our big pig band'll give him a boom
And we'll bang him into next Sunday
Fun day, one day
Our big pig band'll give him a boom
And we'll bang him into next Sunday.
He ran till he came to three free cheese trees
The three cheese trees were full of fleas
They made him sneeze with their freezy breeze
And his clocks all started tocking
Knocking, clocking!
Three free fleas made the tree's cheese freeze
And the clocks all started tocking.
Well, last he came to a mottled puddle
Where tweetle beetles on a poodle battled in a bottled muddle;
The fox said, "Well this is some real fuddle duddle,
And I think I'll leave this song now
Gone now, wrong now!
The fox and his kits ordered out for noodles
skeddadled down from this song now.